Discover what's new for Fall 2024

Build Online Courses

Mix and match lessons to create self-guided, online certification courses.  Requiring little-to-no instructor interaction, students can join anytime and learn at their own pace.  Create tests, projects, and award a customizable certificate upon completion.

Mix and Match Lessons

Set up each course in minutes by mixing and matching lessons to create a custom learning path.

Add Projects and Quizzes

Easily add the test questions and projects included in each lesson to create an immersive leearning experience.

Connect with Students

Enable discussion forums to connect your students to you and each other, no matter where they may be.


Designed for little-to-no instructor involvement, AccuSkills guides studetns through the course, step-by-step

Award Certification

Add fully customizable, automated certificates of completion, then track in the Certification Database.

Reports and Analysis

Track every student's progress, from the number of lessons viewed to test results in one clean dashboard.

Try it Yourself!

View a sample course catalog page

View a course preview page

Full Feature List

Building Online Courses

Mix and Match Lessons

Use lessons you authored, FilmSkills lessons, and lessons shared with you by your colleagues. All lessons work together seamlessly.


Add a text-based syllabus or add a PDF file for students to download.

Create Private Courses

Choose to make courses public or private. Set a password to display hidden courses on your catalog page to protect sensitive training from the public.

Award Certification

Customize a certificate of completion with your organization's name, course name, instructor's name, signature, and serial number

Add Downloadable Files

Add files for your students to download as part of the course.

Interactive Projects

Add projects included with each lesson, or add your own projects. Students can upload completed projects. Instructor can grade projects and issue feedback.

Arrange and Rearrange

Drag and drop elements to arrange and customize the learning path.

Forced Learning Paths

Allow students to either jump around the course, or require them to complete the course from beginning to end.

Set Passing Grade

Select a passing grade based on test scores, lessons completed, and project grades.

Marketing Your Course

Build Course Marketing Page

Add marketing text, images, and links to each lesson contained in the course.

Bulk E-Mail Tool

Invite students to you courses through an intuitive e-mail tool.

Managing Courses

Course Versioning

Update courses anytime. Changing a critical component such as price, passing grades, or certification will create a new version of the course. Current students will remain in their version while new students will join the newest version.

Integrated GradeBook

View, edit, and curve student grades for quizzes and projects. GradeBook is available both to instructors and the student

Connect with your students

Interactive discussion boards connect your students to each other and the instructor. A dashboard displays and prioritizes all student comments and questions.

Transfer Courses Between Instructors

Easily transfer ownership of courses to another instructor with the click of a button.

Enrollment Dashboard

View your monthly enrollment numbers at a glance.